
At Vision Infra, we deeply value the trust you place in us. Our Privacy Policy is designed to safeguard the confidentiality, accuracy, and security of all personal information we collect from users across our digital platforms and services. By engaging with our website, you agree to the data handling practices outlined in this policy.

Data Collection:

We gather information through two main methods:

Use of Information:

The data we collect is crucial for optimizing our website functionality and delivering the services you require. It aids in informing you about potentially relevant services and conducting surveys for feedback on our current or planned services. We are committed to protecting your personal information and do not share it with third parties without your consent.

Protecting Your Data:

We adhere to strict data protection protocols and utilize advanced technical and administrative measures to secure your data. Our foremost priority is to maintain the integrity and security of our services while safeguarding against fraud and policy violations.

Opt-Out Option:

You have the choice to opt-out of our marketing communications at any time. Each marketing email from Vision Infra includes a straightforward unsubscribe link. However, to continue receiving important order or service notifications, please do not opt out of transactional emails.

Privacy Policy Updates:

As Vision Infra evolves, our privacy policy may also undergo changes. We are dedicated to keeping you informed of any significant updates, particularly those that impact how we use your personal information, allowing you to accept or decline these changes.

Acceptance of Terms:

Your use of our website indicates your agreement to the terms of this policy. If you disagree with any terms, please refrain from using our site. Continued use after updates have been made to the terms indicates your acceptance.

Our Commitment:

At Vision Infra, protecting your information is paramount. We collect only what is necessary, with your consent, and use it solely for the intended purposes without external disclosure.

Contact Us:

For any inquiries about our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at info@visioninfraindia.com or call us at +91 20 2644 0999